Fixing the Fundamentals: Data Asset Management
Noreen Kendle
Principal Consulting Analyst
As discussed in Fixing the Fundamentals – The Business Blueprint, it is critical that organizations get the data right. However, getting the data right is only half the formula to fixing the fundamentals, the other half is keeping the data right. As discussed in this groundbreaking report, data is “organic” in that it continues to decompose and deteriorate as it ages. As with any other business asset, the organization must manage its data assets and this requires building a Data Asset Management structure. This reports defines and discusses this Framework as a necessary step to keeping the data right. The Framework includes the methods, processes, and procedure, and tools required to manage data as an asset and it utilizes the data infrastructure developed from the organization’s Business Blueprint and its data design practice. This report covers:
- Establishing the difference between getting the data right and keeping it right
- The steps to creating a Data Asset Management Framework including the tools required to manage data as a strategic business asset
- Examples of successful Data Asset Management Frameworks
- Lessons-learned and best practices establishing Data Asset Management Frameworks at Fortune 500 companies