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Okta Identity Platform Assessment


Doug Simmons – Principal Consulting Analyst

Gary Rowe – CEO, Principal Consulting Analyst



The modern digital enterprise requires a consistent, robust and adaptive Identity and Access Management (IAM) foundation. This foundation includes many capabilities as described in our IAM reference architecture, but one of the most critical decisions organizations need to make is on your primary Identity Management platform vendor. This is our second research report focusing on this topic. Our first vendor report was on Microsoft’s Entra IAM program and strategy, and this report provides an overview and critical evaluation of Okta’s IAM solution that was built “in the cloud” from its inception in 2009.

Okta is a pure Identity as a Service (IDaaS) solution providing pretty much soup-to-nuts IAM capabilities for a wide range of use cases and user bases.  In this in-depth report, we’ll review Okta’s current portfolio of IAM and related products/services, then expand our discussion to look at these offerings as specific IAM capabilities within the TechVision Reference Architecture for IAM. We close with our recommendations for organizations who may be considering Okta as a foundational vendor to support the execution of their IAM strategy.

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