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Supporting Methods and Procedures for Innovation


Gary Zimmerman – Principal Consulting Analyst


TechVision believes that large organizations should pay as much attention to innovation as typically spent in core traditional business areas. Many businesses and industries that haven’t innovated and adapted to new technical and business models are no longer viable. To that end, TechVision continues to cover the topic of innovation with the third of our series of reports designed to help enterprises develop successful and sustainable innovation programs. 

Our first report was an innovation level set that applied our traditional reference architecture model to innovation. Our second report provided guidelines focused on project-level execution for key innovation initiatives and this report describes an overall program approach that enables innovation to be repeatable and predictable.

The Supporting Methods and Procedures layer of the Innovation Reference Architecture ensures consistency across the entire innovation system and measures the efficiency of both the entire innovation system and the individual capabilities. It is focused on increasing decision velocity and speed to value. This layer includes the support structure for the key aspects of innovation, collaboration, ideation, learning, implementation, and value realization.

This report explains these key aspects in detail and gives practical advice and guidance on improving your innovation system.

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