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Developing a Customer IAM (CIAM) Strategy and Roadmap
Gary Rowe – CEO/Principal Consulting Analyst
Doug Simmons – Principal Consulting Analyst
David Goodman – Principal Consulting Analyst
A few years ago, TechVision released our research report on the “emerging” Customer Identity and Access Management (CIAM) market. Today CIAM is no longer emerging; it has “emerged” as most large enterprises are developing distinct customer-centric IAM strategies, architectures, and programs. CIAM has several differences from traditional (internal enterprise-focused) IAM including a greater emphasis on ease of use, privacy and consent management, customer-centric data security and integration with CRM, marketing systems and key sales/business initiatives.
CIAM provides a gateway to the customer and is one of the most important elements of any Digital Transformation program. CIAM is often the first “touch point” an organization has with a prospect and is an on-going reflection of a brand. Get CIAM right and you will attract customers, drive revenue and represent your organization in the best light; get it wrong and your business will suffer.
In this report, we provide a foundation for enterprises looking to build an IAM foundation to support the engagement of customers, prospective customers and external stakeholders in the context of business goals.
This report covers:
- The CIAM value proposition and business rationale for the enterprise
- Developing a CIAM strategy and action plan
- The CIAM market and vendor shortlist
- Recommendations and next steps