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Blockchain 101; An Executive Introduction to Distributed Ledger Technology


Gary Zimmerman- CMO / Principal Consulting Analyst

Gary Rowe – CEO / Principal Consulting Analyst


This report is a starting point for enterprise executives and IT leaders to better understand the basics as to what blockchain is, how it works, how it compares and integrates with existing technologies, why it is of value to the enterprise, and potential enterprise use cases. We also describe some of the significant roadblocks that must be overcome to achieve the lofty potential of this industry movement.

Blockchain is a simple concept that can be game changing as adoption increases and a supporting ecosystem is built. That said, it has the potential of disrupting many long-standing processes. Blockchain tends to be either over-hyped or totally dismissed by analysts and vendors because of their a vested self-interest. In contrast, we seek to provide a balanced, independent perspective for our enterprise clients.

Throughout this report we address many aspects of blockchain technology. We start with some of the basics on the technology itself, provide five business reasons to at least evaluate blockchain, and we’ll share five roadblocks you may need to address. We’ll also share blockchain patterns that may help you discover opportunities in the context of your business needs and provide educational guidance. Finally, we’ll recommend an enterprise blockchain action plan for your consideration.








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