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TechVision Research

“Banking on Blockchain”


“The primary goal for most Bankers these days is regulatory compliance closely followed by cost reduction. And it is in light of both of these that I saw huge potential in Blockchain.

– Rhomaios Ram, TVR Principal Consulting Analyst

Recorded on 25 April 2017

Webinar Outline:

  • The Banking Context
  • Blockchain Basics
  • Reimaging Archaic Processes
  • Blockchain and Compliance
  • Roadmap/Next Steps
  • Conclusion/Key Takeaways

3 reasons you should watch this video

It’s for bankers by a banker

This webinar isn’t a deep technology assessment, rather it is focused on how the banking system works, why it works that way, and how blockchain can transform it.

It’s not about disintermediation

For most bankers are regulatory compliance followed closely by cost reductions. This session will describe how blockchain can be used to dramatically improve performance on both these fronts.

It provides a roadmap

Rhom outlines the 8 steps you can begin taking today to invest in and prepare for new blockchain enabled business models.



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