The Pandemic has put a spotlight on the need for rock-solid digital identity and cybersecurity.

Everyone is responding to the changes in the business environment caused by the global shutdowns from which we are just emerging. Before Covid, TechVision was involved with client identity and security struggles, but now, even more so, they are challenged  with most of their company and business interactions being remote and increasingly digital.

Struggles before and after Covid-19

  • Identity management in a multi-cloud and hybrid world
  • Protecting assets with encryption and zero-trust
  • Shifting security to the “left” side of the development process with DevSecOps
  • Responding to security alert fatigue

The Pandemic is pouring gas on the flames

  • Securing remote workers
  • Identifying resources (people, processes, things) at scale, in real time
  • Accelerating Digital Transformation

How we can help

We know that in most businesses, technical research is not planned carefully.  It’s just something you do when a question comes up: “Who is the best vendor?” “How do I do this the best way?” “How has this been done before, and what has been learned from those experiences?” And we’re sure that especially now, you have many questions concerning your identity and security posture.

We help enterprises make and justify technology decisions by providing curated information and advice on:

  • Capabilities-based reference architecture
  • Vendor Assessments
  • Pragmatic Best Practices
  • Planning / Strategy for addressing issues and applying technologies

What makes us different is that our perspective, extensive domain expertise, and understanding of business context allow us to draw conclusions that are very hard to reach otherwise and then to present those conclusions in an understandable and most importantly, actionable form to clients. Our combination of vendor independent research and consulting (every analyst does on-the-ground consulting work) gives us a unique, informed and experience-based perspective. In fact, our clients, many of which have relationships going back years with us, think of us as trusted advisors and we make sure we earn that trust with every interaction.


We’re making a special offer available for a limited time to new clients because we realize that the Pandemic has created new identity and security struggles for many, and we’d like to help. We are offering access to our entire research library, including all new content being developed for the rest of 2020, and unlimited discussions with our experts at an unbelievable price.

Sign up for our introductory “6 for 6” offer

Normally we sell only enterprise-wide deals because our clients see value in unlimited sharing for educational and planning purposes, and our clients sign-up for and renew annual contracts to guarantee continued access to relevant and fresh content and unlimited conversations with our experts.

Because these are unusual times, we’re offering a special deal to introduce you to TechVision:

  • Up to 6 employees can access our research and experts through dialogues for the remainder of the year.
  • For only $6,000. A rate that is tens of thousands of dollars less than our typical enterprise license.

The 6 for 6 package includes:

What our clients say:

Other research firms produce materials that are so high level they’re almost unusable. These guys are real, practical and their research reflects that. They get it because they’ve done it.

Corporate Innovation Officer, Large International Pharma

We appreciate how everyone at TechVision keeps us updated and highlights research that might be of particular interest. There’s a committed fan base for your work here in our company.

Director Technology Solutions, Leading Restaurant Chain

Talk with us:

Give us your email and phone number so we can have a conversation. After we talk, you can select one of our popular reports; either “The Future of Identity Management 2020-2025,” or “Integrated IT Governance.” as out thank you for your time and attention. Each report is a $2,000 value and will be sent to you with no obligation to take us up on this great deal.

We can help

If you want to find out more detail, we're happy to help. Just give us your business email so that we can start a conversation.

Thanks, we'll be in touch!

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