Workshop Outline
  • A Brief History of EA
  • Why Do We Need EA?
  • Why Not EA?
  • Impact of Cloud
  • Consumerization of IT
  • What New EA Looks Like
  • New Organization Chart
  • Moving Forward: Today, Tomorrow, 6 Months, 1 Year, 2 Years, 5 Years, Beyond
Why Engage?

TechVision Research offers a world class team of consulting analysts with direct experience building and managing EA organizations.  This workshop is an interactive, working group session with the ultimate goal of establishing the organization’s EA baseline and specifically looking at how the cloudification of EA, the rise of Millennials to IT and business management and seismic changes in application development and delivery are affecting the business and IT operations.

For more information about this workshop:

TechVision Research End of EA and IT Workshop

“Enterprises must become more dynamic and flexible, focusing on enabling disruptive improvements or risk enterprise IT rapidly becoming totally out of alignment with the needs of the business.

– John Mellars, TVR Principal Consulting Analyst

Focus of this workshop:

  • Empowering business units to use technology as a means of achieving success with full accountability for the results
  • Moving towards a point where the organization thinks “Cloud First”
  • Phasing out Enterprise Architecture within IT as currently defined given business friction and challenges in keeping pace with the rate of technology change
  • Revamping central IT to provide for Enterprise entity needs such as procurement of services, security, disaster recovery, data interchange, and service management.
  • Establishing a new Chief Innovation Technical Officer (CITO) role to lead innovation centers of excellence and to support the businesses as it rapidly adopts new cloud-based technologies for competitive advantage.

We can help

If you want to find out more detail, we're happy to help. Just give us your business email so that we can start a conversation.

Thanks, we'll be in touch!

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